The Founder of Islamic Relief, dr. Hany el-Banna, Visited the Alija Izetbegović Foundation with Volonteers from Canada

A delegation of Islamic Relief Canada, together with many young volonteers, visited the Alija Izetbegović Foundation in Sarajevo on July 10, 2024, as part of their “Inspire Bosnia 2024” project together with Islamic Relief Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Dr. Hany el-Banna, the founder of the Islamic Relief, headed the delegation together with Mr. Emir Čiča, Manager of IR in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the guests were welcomed at the Foundation by Mrs. Sabina Berberović, one of the founders of the Foundation and a daughter of President Alija Izetbegović, with her associates.

In the course of a very pleasant visit, they talked about the mission and projects of the Foundation, especially in the field of their work with the youth, as well as about the work and activities of Islamic Relief, with the focus on their project “Inspire” and their work with the young volunteers throughout the world.

Dr. El-Banna and Mrs. Berberović reminisced about the life of Alija Izetbegović, the principles he stood for, and they offered advice to the young volunteers arising from his life and life tribulations he had to face.

The Islamic Relief Canada volunteers showed a great interest in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the life of Alija Izetbegović and the Foundation’s work, and inquired about the ways in which they could help and improve the lives of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s citizens.

We sincerely hope that this visit will be inspiring for the young guests and that it will initiate mutual projects in the future. 

